Como parte de nuestra gestión de riesgos para reducir accidentes, cumplir con la legislación y mejorar el rendimiento, hemos capacitado a gran parte de nuestros ingenieros de campo, personal administrativo y proveedores en trabajos de altura. Read More

The Costa Rican Nordteco with technology and services supporting the development of wind energy projects in Latin America. Click here for the article: revistasumma

La República. Energía Alternativa. Entrevista con nuestro CEO Jan Borchgrevink. Para ver el artículo: La Republica

With oil prices forecasted to remain at or above historic highs, wind energy may be becoming more viable as an alternative energy source, as indicated by the announcement last week by Spain’s Grupo Enhol and Chile’s Haciendas Talinay of a billion-dollar joint venture that would have a capacity to produce 500 megawatts of electricity for Chile. What is the outlook for wind energy in Latin America? Should governments in the region be doing more to encourage wind energy generation, and if so, what? Click here for the article: Inter-American Dialogues

Nordteco CEO Jan Borchgrevink, who replaces LAWEA founder Fernando Tejeda to become the association’s second president, said a dedicated workgroup will lobby governments with tailored regulatory recommendations. Click here for the article: reNewsAmericas32 – P17